Our historic journey to expand and improve the Alberta Bair Theater is complete. It’s been 34 years since the old Fox Theatre was renovated to become our beloved Alberta Bair Theater. In that time tens of thousands of people have attended performances to Tony awarded Broadway musicals, Grammy Awarded musicians and the best of ballet and modern dance, as well as theatre for all ages. As stewards of ABT and its legacy of excellence, we will continue bringing world class entertainment to our region.
More than half of the $13.6 million renovation budget addressed infrastructure needs. Included in the renovation and expansion:
- Main Floor Lobby & Concessions
- Stage Rigging System
- New Audio System
- Balcony Lobby & Concessions
- Upgraded Seats
- New Lighting System
- Increased Restrooms on Main Floor and Mezzanine
- Acoustic treatments affectionately called “cheeks” and “eyebrow”
- ADA compliancy throughout the theater
- Elevator
- Building Code Requirements
- Grand Staircase
- New Box Office
- Digital Marquee and interior electronic signage
We are fortunate several organizations, families and individuals understand the value Alberta Bair Theater adds to our region in terms of quality of life and community as well as economic impact and have risen to the challenge as philanthropic leaders.
These are exciting times and we invite you to be a part of Alberta Bair Theater’s legacy.
Please contact Jan Dietrich for more information at jdietrich@albertabairtheater.org or (406) 294-5201.
The following gifts are current as of March 22, 2021:
Charles M. Bair Family Trust
City of Billings / Downtown Billings Partnership
Jim & Chris Scott Family
M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust
Joseph S. Sample
Susan & Dr. Hewes Agnew
Dr. John & Patricia Burg
First Interstate Bank & Foundation
Rick & Nicki Larson
Stockman Bank
Susan Scott Heyneman Foundation
Carol Brosovich
Carolyn K. Ennis
Cynthia Long Foster
John W. & Carol L.H. Green
Jeff Lindenbaum & Joan Sorenson
Laurence & Ruth Martin
Linda & Denny Menholt
Lee & Denise Scherer
Treacy Foundation
Dennis Whitmore & Kathryn Leathers
Jody & Cyndy Desin
Shelley & Frank Haughton
Bill & Mary Underriner
Robert & Cindy Beers
Timothy & Melinda Brocopp
Gary & Norma Buchanan & Family
Bill & Anne Cole
Jay & Brittainy Doucette
Bill & Kim Gottwals
Alex & Andrea Heyneman
Kampgrounds of America, Inc.
JoAnn C. Kuhns
David & Virginia Langlas
Langlas & Associates General Contractors
Ben & Mary Lou Marchello
Montana Office of Tourism & Business Development
Gavin & Brooke Murphy
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company
Dr. Jim & Janice Scott
Sanderson Stewart
Karin & Ron Smith
Ron, Amy & Ava Yates
Sam & Judy McDonald Foundation
Randy & Cheryl Bentley
Maria J. Christiaens
Billings Clinic
Steve & Jennifer Corning
John & Claudia Decker
Anne & Jack Dietrich
David & Janis Dietrich
Paul Grmoljez, M.D. & Alice Gordon
Brian, Molly, Aidan & Sean Harrington
Susan Ogden & Chuck Hingle
Wayne & Traci Hirsch
Hulteng CCM, Inc.
James Hummel & Paige Spalding
Hylton Family in memory of Bobbi
Joan E.H. & John W. Jacobsen
Shannon & Doug Jensen
David & Judy Johnson
Dave & Elaine Kinnard
Joel & Andrea Long
Lynn Marquardt & Jim Gutenkauf
Greg & Eileen McDonald
Michael Sample Family
Paul & Ann Miller
Bruce C. & Susan L. Nelson
Jase O. Norsworthy
Terry & Patt Payne
Walt & Mary Peet
Duncan & Jenna Peete
Christine & Mark Randak
Jim & Lin Roscoe
Bill & Laverne Royer
Linda Shelhamer & Stephen Haraden
Tancy & Ralph Spence
St. Vincent Healthcare
U.S. Bank
Valley Credit Union
ABT 2019 Staff
Samuel, Catherine & Beau Bergman
Janet M. Carpenter
Nick & Linda Cladis
Richard & Cheri Cox Family
The Cross Family in memory of John T. Jones
Crowley Fleck PLLP
Gene & Joy Culver
Cushing Terrell
Bruce L. Ennis & Margaret S. Davis
The Fortin Family Foundation
Dr. Jonathan & Suzanne Graeve
Barbara & Phillip Griffin
Chris & Tracy Hoiness – Hoiness Family Foundation
Roger & Darla Huebner
Doug & Kathy James
Kirk D. & Brittney L. Jensen
Dr. Tersh & Jane McCracken
Jean M. McNally
Moulton Bellingham PC
Dale & Judy Peterson
J.R. & Amy Reger
Rocky Mountain Bank
Bernard Rose in memory of Marge McArthur
Jim & Chris Scott in memory of Jim Corning
Patty & George Selover
Corby Skinner
Dr. William & Suzanne Smoot
Jock & Gayle West
Kathleen & Craige Whiteley
Judy M. Allen
Bill & Sandy Anderson
Steve & Elsie Arntzen
Steve & Patti Ballock
Bruce & Susan Barrow
Jane Bridger
Larry A. Compodonico
Gene & Joy Culver
Bill & Colette Davies
Brad & Lisa Griffin
Helen Brach Foundation
Dorothy Hull
Royal & Norma Johnson Charitable Fund
Andrew & Paulette Laszlo Foundation
Terry & Sandra Mammenga
James & Joy Mariska
Clayton & Joan McCracken
Bob & Linda Merchant
NorthWestern Energy
PayneWest Insurance
Jaq Quanbeck
Robert & Pamela Sanderson
Bill & Sally Toner
Bob & Liz Wilmouth
Joseph & Karen Womack
Vera M. Abrams
Carita & Bernard Adams
Rich & Kathy Aldrich
Charles & Beverly Allison
Bill & Sandy Anderson
Carol S. Anderson in honor of Ron Yates
Glenn Anderson
Randall & Susan Anderson
Bill & Gail Andrus in honor of Hewes Agnew
Anonymous (12)
Anonymous in honor of Laurel Slattery
Roberta Anner-Hughes & Edward Hughes
Rose Marie Aus
Adela Awner
Susan Baack
Sue Bach
Bar JL Ranch in honor of the Mitchell Family
Nancy D. Barbula
Beverly Bates Hall
Carole Baumann
Beasley Family (Ben, Lindsey, Rigel, Hazel, & Zuri)
in memory of Dick Hayes
Jeanette & Arnie Bejot
Robb & Heather Bergeson
Ron & Mary Beth Billstein
Leslie Blair in memory of Gloria Blair
John & Judy Boehmke
Jeffrey Bofinger & Lizzy Smith
Jill Boyd
Gayla Bradberry
Joseph K. Bradford
Bill & Janie Brown
Rockwood Brown
Scott & Deb Brown
Barb Bryan & Scott Mitchell
Evan & Amy Buchan in honor of Randy & Cheryl Bentley
Larry A. Campodonico
Deb Carlson
Bill & Sheryl Cathey
Mark & Karen Chaput
Dee Dee Chiesa
Caitlin & Ryan Colbert
Arthur & Bonita Daniel (Daniel Ranch) in honor of Clifford Potts
Sherri Cornett & Steve Kriner
Stan & Fay Danielsen
Teresa Darnielle-Morse & Mark Morse
Linda Deavila
Ann Deegan
Kate & Adam Delavan
John & Chris Dorr
Alan & Amy Drain
Jack & Vickie Eagle
Sherri Eastman
Walter Egged in memory of Karen Olson Egged
Karen Eide
Mick & Vicki Ender
Kathryn Ensign
Wesley & Nicole Fangsrud
Robin & John Felton
Andrew & Edda Freestone
George Fink & Nancy Van Maren
Mark Finken
Rita Frasure
Carol Frederick
Donna K. Fredericks
Angus & Marjorie Fulton
Robert Gallagher in memory of Marlene Gallagher
Connie Genger in memory of Nadine Mutch
Dr. Mike Geurin
Catherine Glennon
Jim & Peggy Good
Lynda Joyce Grande
Jody Grant
Kay Grant in honor of Jody Grant
Monika Gray
Todd & Julie Grebe
Janice R. Green
Jack Griffin
Robert & Kathy Griffin
Glenn & Sally Griffin
Caron Griffith
Gary & Jean Grocholski
Steven & Carole Grosch
Fran Gunn
Ed Hahn & Pam Jones
Norma L. Hahn
Richard Hall
Kevin & Shirley Halverson
Mark Halverson & Cindy Osland
Kristin Hammler in memory of Dr. Roland L. Grant
Curtis & Sandra Haney
Gene & Carol Hansen
Dr. Wayne L. Hansen
Dick & Suzanne Hardt
Gary & Julie Harmala
Steve & Joni Harman
Dr. Donald Harr
Donald & Cheryl Burke Harris
Jeremy & Monica Hauk
Kathleen Healy
Rose Heeg
Pokey Heny
Charles & Valeria Heyneman
James & Sherry Hoban
Stephen Hoklin
Paul & Dee Holley
Mark & Camilla Horn
Colleen Huff
David & Cynthia Hummel
Steve & Kari Humphrey
Mary Ellen Ibarra-Robinson & Earl Robinson in memory of Irene Ibarra
ISU Streeter Brothers Insurance, Inc.
Carl & Janice Jahr
Diane Boyer Jerhoff
Lee & Nancy Jockers
Ann Jones
Bob & Carolyn Jones
John & Barbara Junnila
Dr. Marvin & Judy Kastrop
Frank & Margo Kelley
Jan & Harry Kessner
Sally & Dave Kisling in memory of Robert B. Doolen
Dr. James & Sally Knostman
Susan Knox
Paul Kober in honor of Albert G. Kober
Keith & Donna Kohnke
Gareld & Barbara Krieg
Veronica Kuzman
Diane & Ted Kylander
Rachelle Lacy
LaFever Family – The Monte Bar & Casino
Land Design, Inc.
Barb Leininger
Claire Leslie
Dr. Richard & Patti Lewallen
Adam & Danielle Liberty
Marvin & Carol Linde
Betty Loos & Gordon McConnell in memory of Jana Stockton
Richard & Carol Lorenz
Shelly Loveless
Susan B. Lovely
LyCox Enterprises, Inc.
Jerry Lydiatt
Jim & Jennifer Mack
Jerry & Beth A. Madsen
Lisa Malody & Laurence DeBoer
Susan McKinley
Lilah M. Meldahl
Craig & Susan Melder
Edward & Betty Lou Miller
Gary & Susan Miller
John & Jeanne Mohr
Sherrie Murray
Travis & Meadow Nilles
Richard & Gretchen Nolan
Jane Ohnstad
Dave & Jane Oltrogge
Wayne Opperud
Mary & Phil Parker
Bill & Janet Pascoe
Lauren & Dorsey Payne
Lori Petersen
Mary Pickett Parker
Ken & Leslie Pitman
Van & Cheryl Pittack
Deborah Powell
Marcella Prinkki
Robert Quam
Charlie & Audrey Reed
Jeff & Nancy Rice
Thomas & Rene Richmond
Kathie L. Riggs
Sharon Roland
Bev & Sig Ross
Jeremiah Rouane
Ann Ruehr
Barb Rummel
Beverly Schock
Robert & Nancy Schultz
Alan J. Schuyler in memory of Paul & Betty Schuyler
Mark Sevier
Robert & Jan Singer
Linda Snider
Don & Susan Sommerfeld
Neal & Gigi Sorensen
Margaret Steckel
Nancy Steel
Pete & Sandi Steiger
Sharon Steppler
John & Susan Stewart
Patrick Sweeney & Teresa Erickson
Christina Taylor
Pete & Sandy Teller
Ruth Terry
Bob & Carol Terwilliger
Arlo Thomas
Lauren Tibert & Daniel B. Wells
Loretta Tonnsen
Linda & Pete Trask
Teri VandenBrink
Bill & Darlene Vanderloos
David & June Voldseth
Michael & Jennifer Vondra
Eugene R. Wade
Mary Lou Wagner
Shayla Walker
David Wang
Joseph & Gloria Weiss in honor of Jean F. Brown
Vivian Zabrocki
Susan & Hewes Agnew
Greg & Jeff Anderson
Joel Anderson
Susan Baack
Alberta Bair
Bryce & Carrie Ballard
Randy & Cheryl Bentley
Matt & Kate Blakeslee
Jill Boyd
Rockwood Brown
John & Patricia Burg
Maria J. Christiaens
Nick & Linda Cladis
Richard & Cheri Cox
Dave & Jan Dietrich
Janet L. Dietrich
Walter Egged
Wesley & Nicole Fangsrud
Robin & John Felton
Cynthia L. Foster
Karen Frank
Alice Gordon
Lynda Joyce Grande
Mary Ann & Andy Hall
Tom & Robin Hanel
Anne Harrigan
Alex & Andrea Heyneman
Chris & Tracy Hoiness
David & Cynthia Hummel
Dave & Susan Irion
Adam & Kevin Kimmet
Dave & Elaine Kinnard
Gareld Krieg
JoAnn Kuhns
Veronica Kuzma
David & Virginia Langlas
Jack Lawson & Joan Crum
Richard & Patti Lewallen
Mary Lynch
Terry & Sandra Mammenga
Larry & Ruth Martin
Brooke & Gavin Murphy
Shanna & Brad Nason
Jeanne Nitz
Kathy & Harold Olson
Wayne Opperud
Mary & Walt Peet
Duncan & Jenna Peete
Ellen Pfister
Arlene Priest
Bernard Rose
Bill & Laverne Royer
Keith & Nancy Rupert
Barbara Sample
Jim Scott
Corby Skinner
Bob & Linda Snider
Paige Spalding
Tancy Spence
Annie Teal
Shanna Tourtlotte
Jane Wallace
Daniel & Lauren Wells
Weston Family
Mary Beth & James Woodcock, Jane & Walter Gullett, and Brian & Tricia Campbell
Ron & Amy Yates