Bringing the excitement of the Performing Arts to Big Sky Country

Images of six types of accessibility accommodations


Seating is provided in the lobby while waiting for auditorium doors to open.

A wheelchair is available for use while at the theater.

Accessible/wheelchair seating is available by request by phone at 406-256-6052, through the “buy tickets” link on this website, and at the Alberta Bair Theater box office on the corner of Broadway and 3rd Avenue N (2801 Third Ave N). Please indicate when buying tickets if you require accessible seating. There are seven (7) accessible/wheelchair spaces available on the main floor and two in the loge. (click to view seating chart) These spaces, plus a companion seat for each, are withheld from general sale until the day of the performance or until the event is otherwise sold out. Because seating for persons with disabilities is limited, only one additional ticket is allowed for an attendant within the same section. Wheelchair access is available through any of the main doors.

Accessible Parking:

  • 2 spots located on North Broadway directly across from the theater (distance to front entrance 125 feet).
  • 1 spot located on 3rd Avenue North directly across from the theater (distance 125 feet to front entrance).
  • 1 spot located in U.S. Bank parking lot across from theater (distance 300 feet to front entrance). (Check for use restrictions during normal business hours.)
  • 4 spots in Miller Building parking lot behind the theater (distance 300 feet to front entrance). (Check for use restrictions during normal business hours.)
  • Multiple spots at all levels in Park 1 Garage, elevator provided, located one block west of theater.

Is the sound too loud? Depending on where you are sitting during a performance, you may feel the volume is a bit loud. Please remember we have complimentary soft foam earplugs available; request them from the ushers or find them at the Coat Check Counter.

Is the sound too quiet? Complimentary assisted listening devices are available at the Coat Check Counter for those with hearing impairments.

Sign language interpreters are available by request. Please allow at least 2 weeks time before your event for scheduling an interpreter.

Large print playbill notes, study guides, etc. are available by request. Please request them when purchasing your tickets, reserving your seats.

If you need further assistance, would like accessibility information, and/or to request accommodations, please call our box office at 406-256-6052, Monday-Friday, 10-5 (and Saturday 10-2 Labor Day through Memorial Day).  Email our staff anytime at


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